I am currently the Research Director of RISE (Research on Improving Systems of Education). The RISE website has a wealth of papers, blogs, and other information. Many of my most recent papers and blogs are on that website.

The Rebirth of Education: Schooling Ain’t Learning, 2013. Center for Global Development: Brookings Institution Press.
“The Risks to Education Systems from Design Mismatch and Global Isomorphism: Concepts, with Examples from India.” UNU-WIDER Working Paper 39. 2014.
“Does Public Sector Control Reduce Variance in School Quality?” 2015. Education Economics. (with Martina Viarengo).
“Slow down you’re going too fast: Matching Curricula to Student Skill Levels.” 2015. International Journal of Educational Development. (with Amanda Beatty).
“The Politics of Learning: Directions for Future Research.” 2018. RISE working paper 18/020.
“Girls’ Schooling and Women’s Literacy: Schooling Targets Alone Won’t Reach Learning Goals.” 2017. (with Michelle Kaffenberger). Center for Global Development Policy Paper #104.
“More Schooling and More Learning: Getting to the SDG of Universal Literacy.” 2017. (with Michelle Kaffenberger). RISE Working Paper 17/012.
“Producing superstars for the economic Mundial: The Mexican predicament with quality of education.” 2009. Mexico Competitiveness Report 2009. R Hausmann, E. Austin and I Mia (eds). World Economic Forum: Geneva, 2009. (with Martina Viarengo).
“The Policy Irrelevance of the Economics of Education: Is ‘Normative as Positive’ Useless, or Worse?” 2008. in “What Works in Development?: Thinking Big and Thinking Small. William Easterly and Jessica Cohen (eds.) Washington DC: Brookings, 2008.
“Does Schooling Help Explain Any of the Big Facts about Growth?” 2009. Education and Growth. Pedro Carneiro and Michael Spence (eds). Growth Commission, 2009.
“Long term challenges in education: Are there feasible steps today?” 2009. in Shaping Tomorrow Today Near-Term Steps Towards Long-Term Goals. Robert J. Lempert, Steven W. Popper, Endy Y. Min, James A. Dewar (eds). Rand Corporation: Santa Monica CA, 2009.