
Current and (mostly) former affiliations:

Visiting Professor of Practice, London School of Economics, School of Public Policy.

Research Director, LaMP (Labor Mobility Partnerships), 2019-present.

Research Director, RISE (Research on Improving Systems of Education), 2015-March 2023.

Co-editor of the Journal of Development Economics, 2004-2008.

Co-founder in 1999 of SMERU, an Indonesian policy think tank.

Faculty Chair, MPA/ID (Masters in Public Administration/International Development) degree program at Harvard Kennedy School, various years between 2000 and 2018.

Co-director of the Building State Capability program within the Center for International Development at Harvard Kennedy School (now just an affiliate).

Board of advisors, IDInsight

Consultant on development issues to Google.Org, 2007-2009.

Affiliate of Center for International Development, 2000-today

Non-resident Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development, various years from its founding until 2018.